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Arts Council of Princeton Helps Eden School Students Tap Into Their Creativity

Arts Council of Princeton Helps Eden School Students Tap Into Their Creativity

Students eagerly gathered around their desks on a Wednesday morning at the Eden School. They were excited to begin one of their favorite activities — art class. 

Teaching artists April Zay and Eva Mantell from the Arts Council of Princeton (ACP) are hosting weekly classes at the Eden School for students to learn and explore new art mediums.

Chief Program Officer Dr. Rachel Tait partnered with the ACP to continue to enhance classroom experiences. “The art teachers are more focused on the process of making the art than the end product,” she said. “They want the kids to experience all the different ways you can make art through the different mediums, textures, and projects.”

The projects vary each week, but they are all designed to ensure all ages and abilities can participate. One week, students coated paper in water and drew on their wet canvas with sidewalk chalk to create a beautiful array of blended and swirled colors. Other projects have included printmaking with cut vegetables and tissue paper suncatchers.

Several projects are now lining the walls of classrooms as teachers proudly display their students’ work, and for several students, art class is now a highlight of their weekly schedule.

“This is another way for our kids to continue to make their world larger by having these different experiences that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to do,” said Rachel. “By having this outlet, they have another way to experience these everyday things we often take for granted.”

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