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Helping Each Individual Reach Their Full Potential

Eden Autism specializes in treating and supporting children and adults with autism who have the most complex cognitive and behavioral challenges. We provide a comprehensive range of services throughout the lifespan.

Homepage Icons School
The Eden School

Learn about our services for students and how we can work with you.

Careers Icons Community
Adult Services

We empower people to reach their full potential.

Homepage Icons Adult Residential
Outreach Services

We support continued growth and community engagement.

Accessing Our Services

For information on how to access services for The Eden School and Eden Adult Services, start here!

The Eden School

Admission to the Eden School is made possible as vacancies arise in particular age groups and classrooms rather than on a first-come, first-served basis. Many factors including diagnosis, the needs of the referred child, and funding go into the decision around enrolling a new student.

Tuition at the Eden School is funded by the New Jersey Department of Education through students’ sending districts under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA is a Federal law that provides free appropriate public education to eligible children ages 3-21 and ensures special education and related services.

When inquiring about enrolling a student at Eden, please provide the following information.

  • A cover letter from the student’s school district stating interest in and support for placement at Eden.
  • Current school contact information
  • Most recent Individual Education Plan (IEP), progress reports, and/or evaluations

For information about admission to the Eden School, contact:

the eden school
adult day services

Adult Services

Admission to Eden’s adult programs is made possible as vacancies arise, services are expanded, and new homes are opened. Many factors, including diagnosis, the needs of the referred adult, and access to funding go into the decision around admitting a new adult participant.

Eden’s adult day and residential programs are funded by the New Jersey Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) through a Medicaid-based, fee-for-service system. Individuals who wish to participate in Eden’s adult programs are required to be enrolled in DDD’s Community Care Program, Medicaid eligible, and funded by DDD.

For information about accessing Adult Services, please contact:

Students and adults whose referrals are received when space is unavailable but admission remains possible, based on the needs of the individual and related factors, will be placed on a waiting list. We recommend that you send updated records periodically to keep the student or adult active on the waiting list.

Outreach Services

Our work is not limited to our walls.

Eden’s experienced staff, resources, and services are made available to those who are not served at an on-site Eden program. Eden provides home-based services, evaluation and consultative services, and offers training and professional development as a way to support and train educators and families.

outreach services

Contact Rachel Tait

Chief Program Officer