
Eden School program is transformational for students

A female teacher smiles at a female student

Tanya and Grace

School Support Coordinator Tanya Lynn Sacco got to experience just how transformational Eden’s program is for students.

Tanya recently worked with one of her former students, Grace. The pair used to work together when Tanya was a Teaching Assistant, but it has been nearly two years since Tanya was able to spend a full day with her.

“The two days we spent together just proved to me how effective our program truly is,” said Tanya. “It was like working with a different kid! She was flexible, had mastered skills that we struggled with for years, and was completing tasks independently left and right. It was so nice to see how much she’d grown and how willing she was to just go with the flow. It was truly a breath of fresh air to be reunited with my Gracie girl and see her excelling.”

Join us this month as we celebrate the accomplishments of Grace and her peers: